Flukey Ince and Solid Stones

Well done Barnsley, a great point earned against Ollie's Tangerines.

For those of you who have read my posts over some time, you'll appreciate that I'm not one to sit down and write about a match from start to finish, unless it includes a Greggs carrier bag. And fortunately, against Blackpool, there was very little time to care about that sort of plastic happening.

With injuries galore, many of us must have been worried about how our Reds could possibly fare in this climate, but even the most cynical of fans must now be appreciating that there is a strong team ethic in force at Barnsley FC, and "HillCroft" are winning!

Staying true to form, I won't give you a blow-by-blow account of the 90 minutes, I can leave that to other reports, but I would like to spark some debate on a few points.
  1. IMHO Tom Ince was "flukey". Once the ball went through, he managed to get the momentum needed to run on goal through a very fortunate touch. Great finish, but jammy!!
  2. Fozzy was not my Man Of The Match. Although, he was also far from having the shocker that one pillock (near me) claims he always has. John Stones deserved the accolade!
  3. Do you have to suffer a bloke at Oakwell who constantly nudges you, expelling completely irrelevant trash throughout the game? Who, whilst completely disagreeing with you entirely - all of the time, then repeats your statements as their own, about 15 minutes later?
  4. John Stones will not be sold for a fortune in January. Why would he leave?
  5. Some of our injured numbers will struggle to walk-back-in to the first eleven.
Please comment below or give me a shout on Twitter @OnThePontyEnd
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  1. i have heard stones will be sold in january to either man utd or man city or chelsea. i know this as scouts have been at oakwell to see him play on several occasions

    1. ... And here we are on February 1st 2013, having collected a fee reportedly worth in the region of £3m from Everton for John Stones. Good luck Stonesy!


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