Two Out Of Five Is Bad!

In the immortal word of Meat Loaf, "Two out of Three Aint Bad!", well there's now an online tool for Barnsley FC fans which goes one stage further.

Rate Your Ref, which according to their site has the following aim.

"Rate Your ref was set up by football supporters for football supporters. It was born out of a red card that should never have been given and a two-goal lead that was destroyed because of it. The manager of the club in question tried to hold his tongue during interviews but in the end it got the better of him and he said a couple of things that got him a touchline ban and a hefty fine.

But that's the way football is, no one is allowed to say what the think and the FA ignore bad decisions on a weekly basis. On the other hand there are some great referees out there and wouldn't it be great if they got the credit they deserved?"

They also state:

"We will hold awards each year to reward good referees. We will also make sure the FA gets a list of the worst, and the more people that vote will mean they will need to listen more!

So what are you waiting for, choose your team and cast your vote!"

The latest stats on a certain Mr. Paul Quinn seem to contradict Meat Loaf's claim, because Two out of Five is SHOCKINGLY BAD! Shame on you!!

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