Proving that you're not past it at 35, Football Replay are offering you the stage to mimic the Barnsley FC masters.
Football Replay, an FA-backed scheme offering fun five-a-side football for over-35s will operate weekly from Sunday 3rd October at 40 centres nationwide. According to Sir Trevor Brooking, the FA’s Director of Football Development, it’s an “exciting and much-needed initiative” that is an ideal alternative for those no longer able to commit to playing the 11-a-side game.
Everyone’s welcome. Turn up on your own and get fitted into one of the ‘All Stars’ teams that they will form each week - or better still, round up a group of mates and form your own team.
Players of all abilities and fitness levels are invited to GET INVOLVED and show that it’s still possible to enjoy the beautiful game.
Sign up now at
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