On The Ponty End.com | The Podcast: S02 E08

Nearly live from the Legends Lounge, The Full House, Monk Bretton, Barnsley. Free subscription service for Barnsley FC fans. Regularly updated, featuring fans views, comment and opinion on current events and news coming out of Oakwell concerning Barnsley Football Club.

In this episode we have a "cracker" reviewing the contrasting differences between the two games since we last got together.

We also wind up the Rumour Mill once more and debate who should have been the "Man of the Match" versus Newcastle.

Plus, as always we feature your feedback "In off the Post"

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Or leave your comments via the Podcast Callinbox voicemail number: 0844 579 6949 Mailbox 85308

(the cost to call from a BT landline is 5p per minute, mobile operators may vary)

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