Reader Letter: Oakwell in the 21st Century

Thanks to those who read and contribute to the Blog and Podcast. In the mail today, the following post arrived, what do you think Reds fans?

Hi Reds Fans,

Is it just me or should Oakwell be now entering into the new season with 21st century technology.

I am a great fan of Mr Cryne and his accomplishments although I think being a technological guy he should have got a LARGE SCREEN last season.

I think that a large screen would be a great asset, not only for the fans but for advertising and promoting Barnsley.

You only have to look a few miles away to the Galpharm Stadium in Huddersfield to see that it is a big success and it draws in crowds.

You may ask that if Barnsley did put a screen up, who would animate it and come up with the goods. Well there is a perfectly good University Centre under a mile away called University Centre Barnsley, who might I add are animating Huddersfields screen, For Free.

Anyway all i wanted to do was to get this idea across and see if any other fans agreed.

Mr Anony-mouse
A Wombwell Red

Also, if Mr Cryne ever sees this message, I went to his old school and saw him on a few occasions visiting. Good lad.

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  1. Too right, we need a screen above the north stand facing the home fans.


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