Barnsley 0 - Bristol City 0
With Oakwell seemingly on edge at first, it would be easy to comment on the reverse story and wax-lyrical about an outstanding Reds performance, particularly in the second half today.
I could fill paragraphs galore with my analogies of champions, struggle and misfortune, however sometimes it's just easier to sum up the afternoon as a witness to someone else's feckless mistakes.

The Ref must have picked up a double sided coin today and didn't know it. Unwittingly, allowing the Kick-Off to depend on the toss of that object, which would only determine one outcome. Foster must have said 'Heads', there was only going to be one result.
Most fans adore a free flowing game. We respect a referee that allows incident to pass by when sportsmanship and rule is being tested. "I forgot my whistle", is especially welcome in most grounds around the country. But today, the 'man in black' consistently got it wrong, and then seeemingly back-peddled to ensure that the regimented laws of the game were upheld; sometimes in stark contrast to the carbon copy (and worse) situations that had already occurred.
'Stato' I am not, but today there were two penalties that were denied. In one incident, the ref even had the cheek to book our Kozzie.
To those of you who may still be confused by my angst and angle. The 'Toss-Up' demonstrated only one-side of a coin today. In my view - although strained, we were the better side. Heads up - we would have won!
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